Saturday, January 13, 2007

So whats everyones secret, its the same right, what are u most afraid to tell someone about anything, its not rejection it isnt even doubt that theyll understand u, its human nature.

For all the people living 'life' as we call it no matter how far we go how much we do its never enough, there can only be momentary satisfaction and then there is darkness and imperfection all over again, so whats the use,,, right now figuring out lifes purpose is the least of any ones worries.

For a moment hail peace the most fragile flower becoming its essence, and listen ,,, for a moment imagine and then wake up its a dream nothing is true the earth isnt even round. Everyone defines themselves by something they do that nobody else does. But the very few peolpe who are that good always find that they need to be better as well so the circle continues, we can never be at any place we want to be because we never know when to stop. we find role models in other people try to adapt and imitate them losing our personality in the rush for an image of 'acceptance' or even 'achievement' Mirror Mirror on the wall whos the fairset of them all. It lies quote House MD, everybody lies!!


Anonymous said...

WOW.. whatta meaningful poem.LOl...well yeeeeeeeeeee..x) i remember what i was gonna say rite now.......DID U MAKE THISS POEM BY URSELF?????! :| wow.. cuz ur good at it .. 8-) lol, hmmmm...maybe u can help me one day when i learn bout poetry in L.A. =D lol ahaha well im bored.. examss r next weekk!! and i didnt even ahha i barely come...that sucks ey...X( no fun widout me...LOL...jkz..well ye i will come tmrw=] hehe. last week i didnt come bcuz i was sick.........IS THE TEACHER GETTIN MAD?????? D: im scared aqsa
helppp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
*runs around in circles*


Anonymous said...

aqsa, everythin that u wrote was beautiful and very real. Everyone's using poems these days to attack their depression including me :D And u knw wat ur a great poet, keep up wid the great writing. Anyways i knw this is off topic, bt how cud u eat SUSHI!!!!! EWWWWWWWWWW DUDE. lol i knw im random like 3 weeks ago remember the readin backwards thingy? ma that was hyperr. k man ima cya later luv ya

PR said...

everybody lies.

sigh. so true!!!